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Apricot Drying

Success Stories

Ladakh produces 8,000 tonnes of one of the world’s most exquisite varieties of apricots every year, and farmers have a short summer to harvest and process them. Furthermore, traditional open-air drying is susceptible to insect infestations and adverse weather conditions. Stand-alone Solar Dryers, installed by us on behalf of the Department of Horticulture, Ladakh, assist in drying apricots in the remote locations of this barren landscape

We have installed 35 numbers of Stand-alone Solar Dryers for apricot drying in Ladakh

Kargil, a district under Ladakh, produces 4,000 tonnes of various varieties of apricots every year. Traditional open-air drying is susceptible to insect infestations and adverse weather conditions. To address this issue in these remote landscapes, we installed Stand-alone Solar Dryers on behalf of the Department of Horticulture, Kargil

We have installed 6 numbers of Stand-alone Solar Dryers for apricot drying in Kargil district, Ladakh

Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDeG), based in Leh, Ladakh, focuses on aiding locals in constructing eco-friendly structures with locally available materials. They also promote local food processing techniques with value addition to locally produced items. We installed our Stand-alone Solar Dryers on their behalf for apricot drying in Ladakh

We have installed 4 numbers of Stand-alone Solar Dryers for apricot drying in Leh

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