Key Players

Fish Drying

Success Stories

District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), the principal organ entrusted with the job of improving the quality of life in rural areas through various government schemes, along with the Fisheries Department and NGOs, helped us in installing stand-alone dryers for drying fish in a hygienic and rapid manner.

We have installed more than 100 numbers of Stand-alone Solar Dryers for fish drying in Tamilnadu, Andhra and Orissa

Mauritania possesses some of the world’s most abundant fishing grounds along its coast. With a substantial market for dried fish and to address the unhygienic open-air drying method, we provided our Stand-alone Solar dryers to M/s BA Kalidou Moussa in Mauritania, North West Africa.

We have installed Stand-alone Solar Dryers for Fish drying in Mauritania, North West Africa

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