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Manjolai Tea Factory

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Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, established  150  years  ago,  has  their  tea  plantations  in  South  India  spanning  2,822  hectares,  producing  a remarkable 8 million kilograms of tea each year. The Singampatti Group of Estates, located just 40 miles from the southernmost tip of the Western Ghats, is a hidden gem within an untouched rainforest. Nestled amidst this lush, isolated haven, these estates boast elevations ranging from 2,300 to  4,200  feet  above sea level. The lowest of the three estates, named Manjolai, aptly translates to ‘mango grove’, is a testament to nature’s beauty and serenity. The organisation not only emphasizes organic farming, but also very keen on adopting alternative energy sources for tea drying to preserve Planet Earth.

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